Sunday, October 14, 2012

Our Birthplan

This is our birthplan that was submitted and approved by Dr Haw Wan Lye from Columbia Asia Cheras Selatan. He is a pro-natural obgyn and I like him very much for being supportive. The listed requirements differ from standard hospital procedures and you can conduct a research on your own to find out the underlying pros and cons. Yes, you can undergo vaginal birth but that doesn't mean the birth is natural. Read more from variable source and you will find this is true.

This is our choice of birth and we believe without all the medical interventions, we are trying our very best to provide the most comfortable environment to welcome our baby. We hope she feels safe coming to the world, build her fundamental trust from the very first moment she arrives.

Parents’ Name : Choo Voon Wai & Soo May Shin
Doctor             : Haw Wan Lye

We have chosen the Hypnobirthing method of quiet, relaxed and natural birth. Our preferred birthing scenarios are listed as below. We have given careful considerations to each specific request listed in this plan and this also represents our wishes at this time. As labor ensues, we may choose to change our thinking and we wish to feel free to do so.
We understand that these preferred birthing scenarios presume a normal pregnancy and birth. In the event of emergency occurrence that requires any medical interventions, we are prepared to give our full cooperation after we are provided with full and clear explanation of the medical need and given sufficient time to discuss the decision between ourselves. We wish to have clear explanations of all suggested procedures, of the progress of labor as it is assessed, and of any possible special circumstances if they occur.
In the absence of special circumstances, we ask that the following requests to be honored.
Your support is very much appreciated.
1.      Whole birth process
a.       Husband to be present
b.      Take photos
c.       Only our doctor, nurses and necessary medical personnel to be present

2.      First stage labor
a.       Hospital admission
- Option of returning home unless in active labor
- To stay hydrated by drinking clear fluids instead of having IV drip
- The opportunity to discuss our birth preferences with our assigned nurses/midwife.
- To consider artificial initiation of labor only if labor is unusually delayed AND there is medical urgency.
- Artificial induction of labor after the release of membranes is not considered UNLESS there is medical urgency.
b.      Environment
- Quiet with dimmed light
- Closed door at all times
- Read/listen to music/watch TV as distraction if labor is prolonged
c.       Mobility
- Change positions for comfort and progress in labor
- Freedom to walk and move as long as no risks are involved
- To wear my glasses as long as I do not need a c-section
- Fluids and light food if labor is prolonged
d.      Fetal Monitoring
- Intermittent rather than continuous EFM with Doppler or manual use of EFM after the mandatory strip at admission
e.       Pain relief option
- No suggestion of anesthetics/analgesics unless requested
f.       Induction
- To be fully apprised & consulted before introduction of any medical procedure
- No Pitocin/Amniotomy without discussion
- To be augmented only if necessary
g.      Vaginal examination
- To be kept minimal; with permission to avoid premature release of membranes and reduce chances of infection.

3.      Second stage labor
-          Usage of mother-directed Birth-Breathing to facilitate the descent of baby to crowning instead of directed pushing.
-          To progress free of stringent time limit if there is no risks involved.
-          Freedom of movement & changing the birth positions to allow optimal birth conditions & aid in the ease of the baby’s descent through the birth canal
a.       Perineum
- Episiotomy only if necessary and only after consultation; Local anesthesia.
- Local anesthesia for repair of tears/episiotomy
b.      Birth
- Prefer use of suction device rather than forceps if medically necessary
- Wait until cord stop pulsating before it’s clamped & cut
- Immediate skin-to-skin contact, with baby placed on mother’s stomach/chest
- No wrapping of baby
- Thermal blanket to cover both mother and baby
c.       Baby
- No bulb suction unless medically necessary
- Allow vernix to be absorbed into baby’s skin
- Baby to remain with parents at all times after birth
- Time for bonding with baby and attempt to breastfeed with breast crawl and direct latch method within the first two hours after birth.

- Breastfeeding only. No bottle, formula, pacifier
- No vaccination to be administered
- If any test to be conducted, it must be with our consent & preferably to be carried out in maternity ward with the presence of parents.

4.      Third stage labor
a.       Placenta delivery
- Spontaneous or encouraged with breast stimulation and nursing baby
- No cord traction, Syntometrine or manual removal of placenta unless there is evidence of excessive postpartum bleeding

Prepared by,

(Choo Voon Wai & Soo May Shin)

Agreed by,



不知道在哪里看过,越接近生产的时候身体会释放出更多更多的快乐荷尔蒙-oxytocin让身体感觉美好。应该是吧?偶尔感觉肚子紧紧的,嗯~子宫在为大日子练习呢~小朱B在热身啦~这些都让我心情愉快。Nesting的直觉也来袭。呵呵,终于把废置的两摊yoga mat拿出来洗,他们身负重任要变身成为小朱B的playmat叻。收集回来的旧衣服都洗好晒干,放进准备带回家乡的箱子里。


题外话:前几个星期分隔两地的我们聊着聊着突然火药味十足~不到十分钟,我们都发现了这情况,还diagnose为父母产前忧郁症~然后笑说baby还没出来我们就已陷入baby blue了!这笑一笑好像就把我们的症状给治好了。

昨天36周的产检。又增加了1公斤,总共11公斤了~小朱B预计有2.7公斤~把birthplan交给Dr Haw,聊了一阵子。临走之前他连续说了好几次very good~哈哈,我想他也认同如此放松的面对生产吧?那些very good我就当成是鼓励收下咯。Dr Haw要求把产检频率增至每星期一次,我有点异议,讨论了一下他也说就随我喜欢,那日子只是供我参考。谢谢你的成全~

我们准备好迎接宝宝了,但她的花销还维持在三位数:尿布,衣服,被单,cloth detergent,top to toe organic wash,nappy liners…

 我家没有奶瓶,没有奶粉,不需要消毒器,不用warmer,没有奶嘴,没有stroller,没有纸尿片,没有摇篮,学步车在prohibited list里,目前一样玩具都没买。我也没打算让宝宝一出生就接受疫苗。呵呵,小朱B你准备成为有机宝宝吧~